7th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB), Society for Conservation Biology (SCB, Bologna, Italy) – Enhancing conservations strategies through refined species distribution modelling: a case study with the endangered Cantabrian brown bear. Zarzo-Arias, A., Penteriani, V., Gábor, L., Petra, S., Grattarola, F., Moudrý, V. (1)


XV Congress SECEM (Spanish Society for the Conservation and Study of Mammals, Córdoba, SPAIN) – Patterns of visual marking in the brown bear: an experimental approach. E. González-Bernardo, V. Penteriani, L. Etchart, A. Hartasánchez, H. Ruiz-Villar, A. Morales-González, A. Ordiz, J. Díaz-García, D. Cañedo, C. Bettega, G. Bombieri y M.M. Delgado (1)