VII Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Needs for a standardisation of density estimates for birds of prey and owl populations (with F. Pinchera) (2)
Archivo de la categoría: Other forms of participation in conferences, workshops and symposia: (1) oral presentations and (2) posters
VII Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Eagle owl extinction form the “maremma” areas from Latium to Tuscany (with F. Liberatori and G. Sammuri) (2)
VI Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Characteristics of the “rendez-vous” sites of buzzard (Buteo buteo) breeding pairs (with M. Cerasoli) (2)
VI Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Electrocution as a limiting factor for the eagle owl: effects on its population in Abruzz1 and experiments conducted by the E.N.E.L. to minimize power lines risks (2)
V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Spatial use of hunting areas by marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus) (with F. Liberatori and F. Pinchera) (2)
V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: First report on raptor illegal shooting in Italy (with M. Cerasoli) (2)
V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Population decline of the eagle owl in three mountain areas of the Abruzzi Apennines from 1960 to 1990 (with F. Pinchera) (2)
V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Density and distribution of goshawks in the Abruzzi Apennines: preliminary data (2)
IV World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls, Germany: Density and distribution of goshawks and buzzards in Central Apennines
II Italian Symposium on Vertebrate Censusing, Italy: Distribution and breeding population estimation of some species of Accipitriformes and Falconiformesin the Abruzzi region (with A. Manzi, Mr. Pellegrini, Ms. Pellegrini and F. Pinchera) (2)