Effectiveness of censusing woodland birds of prey by playback.
Avocetta 16: 35-39
Effectiveness of censusing woodland birds of prey by playback.
Avocetta 16: 35-39
Densità e selezione del sito di nidificazione in una popolazione di Astore Accipiter gentilis dell’Appennino centrale (Abruzzo).
Avocetta 19: 104
Le Grand-duc d’Europe Bubo bubo dans le massif du Luberon. Densité, préférences en termes d’habitat de nidification, régime alimentaire, comportement vocal.
Courrier Scientifique du Parc Natural Régional du Luberon 3: 112-123
Immature eagles in breeding pair: an early warning signal of change in a population status.
Ecología Mediterránea 28: 105
Mediterranean habitats and spatial heterogeneity: when heterogeneous distribution of resources influence the structure and behaviour of bird populations.
Avocetta 27: 17-19
Ein Bilder-Leitfaden zur Alterseinschätzung bei Junguhus.
Ornithologischer Anzeiger 44: 193-202
Eagle Owl Bubo bubo dispersal patterns and the importance of floaters for the stability of breeding populations.
Ornithologischer Anzeiger 44: 153-158