6th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls, Hungary: Animal population as decentralised systems: the case of the Spanish imperial eagle (with M. Fortuna, C. Melián and M. Ferrer) (1)
Archivo de la categoría: Talks
I Italian Symposium on Birds of Prey and Owls, Italy: Results of a long-term study on an eagle owl population (with M. Gallardo and M. Ferrer) (1)
I Meeting of Cádiz Natural History, Spain: Análisis de la situación actual y tendencia de la población de águila perdicera (Hieraaetus fasciatus) en Andalucía (with J. Balbontín and M. Ferrer) (1)
4rd Eurasian Conference Raptor Research Foundation, Spain: Conspecific density affects call duration and its honesty as predictor of male/territory quality in eagle owls (1)
3rd Eurasian Conference Raptor Research Foundation, Tcheque Republic: Call rate correlates with breeding performances in goshawks: advertisement of male quality? (with J. Mazuc and B. Faivre) (2)
III Symposium of Biologists of Game Species, Italy: Following the I.N.F.S. protocol on species reintroductions and restockings: the case study of the eagle owl in the Province of Siena (with F. Liberatori and G. Sammuri) (2)
VII Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Needs for a standardisation of density estimates for birds of prey and owl populations (with F. Pinchera) (2)
VII Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Eagle owl extinction form the “maremma” areas from Latium to Tuscany (with F. Liberatori and G. Sammuri) (2)
VI Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Characteristics of the “rendez-vous” sites of buzzard (Buteo buteo) breeding pairs (with M. Cerasoli) (2)
VI Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Electrocution as a limiting factor for the eagle owl: effects on its population in Abruzz1 and experiments conducted by the E.N.E.L. to minimize power lines risks (2)