V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Spatial use of hunting areas by marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus) (with F. Liberatori and F. Pinchera) (2)
Archivo de la categoría: Talks
V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: First report on raptor illegal shooting in Italy (with M. Cerasoli) (2)
V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Population decline of the eagle owl in three mountain areas of the Abruzzi Apennines from 1960 to 1990 (with F. Pinchera) (2)
V Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: Density and distribution of goshawks in the Abruzzi Apennines: preliminary data (2)
IV World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls, Germany: Density and distribution of goshawks and buzzards in Central Apennines
II Italian Symposium on Vertebrate Censusing, Italy: Distribution and breeding population estimation of some species of Accipitriformes and Falconiformesin the Abruzzi region (with A. Manzi, Mr. Pellegrini, Ms. Pellegrini and F. Pinchera) (2)
II Italian Symposium on Vertebrate Censusing, Italy: The comparison of the methods of playback and passive auditory listening for eagle owl census (with F. Pinchera) (2)
Ecology Seminar Series, University of Turku (Finland), A behavioural study on the dispersal of a long-lived species (with M.M. Delgado)
1st International Conference on Birds of Prey and Conservation, Quito (Ecuador):
The importance of floaters on the dynamics and stability of animal populations.
1st International Conference on Movement Ecology, Israel: Analysing the movement patterns of dispersing eagle owls (with M.M. Delgado and V. Nams)