Lamamy C., Bombieri G., Zarzo-Arias A., González-Bernardo, E. and Penteriani V. Posted on 23 mayo, 2019 por adminVin Can landscape characteristics help explain the different trends of Cantabrian brown bear subpopulations? Mammal Research
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Penteriani V., Zarzo-Arias, A., Novo-Fernández, A., Bombieri G. and López-Sánchez C.A. Posted on 8 enero, 2019 por adminVin Responses of an endangered brown bear population to climate change based on predictable food resource and shelter alterations. Global Change Biology
Zarzo-Arias A., Penteriani V., Delgado M.M., Peón Torre P., García González R., Mateo Sánchez M.C., Vázquez García P. and Dalerum F. Posted on 6 enero, 2019 por adminVin Identifying potential areas of expansion for the endangered brown bear (Ursus arctos) population in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). PLoS ONE