Researcher, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (C.S.I.C. – Spanish Council for Scientific Research), Spain
2018-5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (Jyväskylä, Finland), ECCB, Large carnivore attacks on humans: a worldwide study to investigate spatial-temporal patterns, triggering factors, scenarios, and species attributes (G. Bombieri, M.M. Delgado, P. Pedrini & V. Penteriani) (1)
2017-XXIII Congreso español de ornitología SEO BirdLife, Badajoz (Spain), El estudio de la dispersion natal (Delgado MM & Penteriani V)
2014-10th “Ecology and Behaviour” Meeting, Montpellier (France), Genetic signatures of demographic changes in an avian top predator during the last century: bottlenecks and expansions of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) in the Iberian Peninsula (E. Graciá, I. Almodóvar, J. Ortego, … Sigue leyendo →
2013-9th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union (Norwich, UK) Individual consistency in movement pattern in eagle owl Bubo bubo (L. Campioni, M.M. Delgado, Z. Tablado and V. Penteriani) (2)
2010-International Conference on Conservation Biology (Edmonton, Canada) Breeding vs. settlement areas: a lesson for conservation biology (M.M. Delgado and V. Penteriani) (2)
2009-Raptor Research Foundation Annual Conference 2009 (Pitlochry Scotland) Intraguild predation by the eagle owl: sympathy for the devil? (R. Lourenço, João E. Rabaça, M.M. Delgado, V. Penteriani) (1)
2013-Effects of natal dispersal patterns on population dynamics, British Ornithologist Union (BOU), UK (with M.M. Delgado)
2007-Italian Congress of Ornithology, Italy: The importance of visual signalling in nocturnal birds: a case study with the eagle owl (with M.M. Delgado and P. Bartolommei) (1)
2010-Avian ecology and evolution, University of Helsinki (Finland), Linking dispersal strategies with population dynamics (with M.M. Delgado)
2005-1st International Eagle Owl Workshop: A photographic guide for age determination of young eagle owls (with M.M. Delgado) (2)