Scientific Projects

  • 2021-2022 - Technical support for the realisation of the brown bear telemetry project in Castile and Leon. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani. Financed by Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Política Forestal de la JCYL
  • 2021-2025 - A step forward for the conservation of threatened species in Spain: brown bear telemetry in the Cantabrian Mountains. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with Javier Balbontín, Nuria Fandos, Andrés Ordiz, Jon Swenson et al). Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science … Sigue leyendo
  • 2020-2021 - First telemetry project to study subadult dispersal in the small, isolated and endangered brown bear population in the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain). Financed by the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA, USA)
  • 2018-2020 - The brown bear in the Cantabrian Mountains as an eample of the coexistence between humans and large carnivores in human-modified landscapes. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with Ricardo García González -IPE-, Andrés Ordiz, André Ganswindt, Pablo Vázquez). Financed by Spanish Ministry … Sigue leyendo
  • 2017 - Brown bear behaviour in human-dominated landscapes: the effect of human density and ecotourism. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with A. Zarzo and M.M. Delgado, Research Unit of Biodiversity-UMIB). Financed by the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA, USA)
  • 2016 - Testing for a protocol to monitor stress hormone metabolites in brown bear scats. Leading researchers: Vincenzo Penteriani and Fredrick Dalerum (with A. Ganswindt, A. Ordiz, M.M. Delgado, C. Bettega, V. Vazquez, T. Sánchez Corominas). Financed by the Principado de Asturias, Spain
  • 2014 - The gardener owl: indirect seed dispersal and soil nutrient enrichment may enhance local plant biodiversity and alter its spatial distribution (with José María Fedriani University of Lisboa POR and María del Mar Delgado University of Helsinki FIN; internal EBD proposal call … Sigue leyendo
  • 2013-2015 - Behavioural interactions between top- and meso-predators. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with Erkki Korpimäki University of Turku FIN, María del Mar Delgado, Pertti Saurola & Jari Valkama University of Helsinki FIN, Patrik Byholm University of Novia FIN, Rui Lourenço University of … Sigue leyendo
  • 2012-2014 - Distribution and density of the eagle owl Bubo bubo in the Park of Sirente-Velino (Abruzzo). Natural Park of Sirente-Velino, Italy. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with María del Mar Delgado) (
  • 2011-2013 - Linking Dispersal Strategies with Population Dynamics. Finnish Academy. Leading researcher: María del Mar Delgado (with Otso Ovaskainen University of Helsinki -Metapopulation Research Group- FIN, Juan Manuel Morales Universidad Nacional del Comahue ARGENTINA, Vincenzo Penteriani EBD- CSIC)
  • 2011-2013 - Understanding animal movement decisions at multiple spatiotemporal scales: linking local habitat use and migration behaviour of honey buzzards (Pernis apivorus) with habitat heterogeneity. Kone Foundation Grants – Finland. Leading researcher: Patrik Byholm University of Helsinki – Department of Biosciences (with … Sigue leyendo
  • 2010-2013 - Natal dispersal strategies and population dynamics under different ecological constraints. EXCELLENCE PROJECTS, Junta de Andalucia, Spain. Leading researcher: Vincenzo Penteriani (with María del Mar Delgado EBD- CSIC, Pertti Saurola & Jari Valkama FNHM-University of Helsinki FIN, Raphael Arlettaz University of … Sigue leyendo
  • 2009-2011 - An attempt to integrate and interpret dispersal processes, floaters and dynamics of (meta) populations. Ministry of Education and Science, Spain. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (with Hanna Kokko and María del Mar Delgado)
  • 2009-2010 - Distribution, density and breeding outputs of Goshawks Accipiter gentilis in the Park of Sirente-Velino (Abruzzo), and management guidelines for old-growth beech forests. Natural Park of Sirente-Velino, Italy. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani (
  • 2009-2010 - Granting of a one-year stay in the University of Helsinki (Natural History Museum) by the Spanish Secretaría General de Universidades, Ministry of Education (Salvador de Madariaga Program) to develop the project “From an empirical approach to a theoretical perspective: multi-level … Sigue leyendo
  • 2007-2009 - Natal dispersal models and strategies in long- lived birds. Leading researcher: Vincenzo Penteriani. Ministerio Educación y Ciencia – C.S.I.C. (Proyectos Intramurales Especiales)
  • 2005-2008 -   Spatial and temporal patterns of the eagle owl colonization of Doñana and possible re-arrangement of bird communities. Junta de Andalucía, Spain. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 2004-2007 - Effects of individual quality and habitat heterogeneity on breeding performance, use of space, dispersal and social interactions in long-lived species. Ministry of Education and Science, Spain. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 2002-2006 - Patterns of eagle owl juvenile dispersal. Licor 43, Spain. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 2002-2003 - Dam effects on bird communities. EMASESA, Spain. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 2001 - The Bonelli’s eagle in Andalusia: status, population trends in the breeding areas and juvenile dispersal. Junta de Andalucía, Spain. Leading researcher: M. Ferrer
  • 2001 - The application of individual-based modelling to the study of dispersal of the Spanish imperial and Bonelli’s eagles. Junta de Andalucía, Spain. Leading researcher: M. Ferrer
  • 2000-2003 - Conservation and Management of birds of prey and owls in the Pollino National Park (Calabria, southern Italy). Pollino National Park, Italy. Leading researchers: M. Pandolfi and M. Ferrer
  • 1999 - Effects of habitat fragmentation on bird communities. Natural Park of Luberon, France. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 1999 - Synthesis and analysis of the bibliography on the Egyptian vulture for the conservation plan of the species in France. Ministry of Environment and Natural Park of Luberon, France. Leading researcher: M. Gallardo
  • 1997-1999 - Multi-level analysis of an eagle owl population in southern France: structure of the population, social interactions and the effect of rabbit myxomatosis on breeding outputs and distribution. Natural Park of Luberon, France. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 1997 -    Impact of logging on goshawk populations. National Park of Majella, Italy. Leading researcher: M. Pellegrini
  • 1996-1998 - Density and distribution of the eagle owl in the Apennine Mountains (Central Italy). CSEA and National Park of Abruzzi, Italy. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 1996 - Natural Reserve “Valle Del Foro” (Majella-Abruzzi): the goshawk as a bioindicator of high-quality stands and implications for logging of old-growth forests. National Park of Majella, Italy. Leading researcher: M. Pellegrini
  • 1995 - Natural Reserves Action Plan: Aves. Siena and Grosseto Provinces (Tuscany), Italy. Leading researcher: G. Sammuri
  • 1995 - PROYECTO LIFE (LIFE94/IT/A222/IT/001140/ABR). European Commission and Abruzzi Region, Italy. Leading researcher: G. Boscagli
  • 1994-1998 - More than 30 contracts for the evaluation of the impact of power lines on birds. Association Multidisciplinaire des Biologistes de l’Environnement (A.M.B.E.) and EDF (Electricité de France), Francia. Leading researcher: Jean-Luc Mériaux
  • 1994-1998 - Mediterranean bird communities, habitat fragmentation and effects of pastoralism. Natural Park of Luberon, France. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 1994-1997 - Goshawks and forestry: a plan for the management of the mature stands of old-growth beech forests. CSEA and National Park of Abruzzi, Italy. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 1994 - Census of the breeding territories of the booted eagle in the Allier Valley (Haute-Loire, Francia). Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO France) and European Commission (PROJECT LIFE ALLIER), France. Leading researcher: G. Cochet
  • 1994 - Evaluation of the impact of the Luberon power lines on birds of prey and owls. EDF (Electricité de France) and Natural Park of Luberon, France. Leading researcher: M. Gallardo
  • 1993-1994 - Preliminary studies on the eagle owl in the Siena Province (Tuscany): density, distribution and restocking feasibility. Siena Province, Italy. Leading researcher: G. Sammuri
  • 1993 - Management plan of hunting activities in the Latium Region. Latium Region, Italy. Leading researcher: L. Boitani
  • 1991-1993 - Data base on Italian bird species. Department of Animal and Human Biology (University of Rome) and Ministry of Environment, Italy. Leading researcher: L. Boitani
  • 1990 - Civita-Alviano Project: description of the vertebrate fauna and establishment of the park boundaries. ENEL, Institute of Applied Ecology (IEA) and Associazione Civita, Italy. Leading researcher: L. Boitani
  • 1989 - Preliminary studies on the restocking feasibility of the eagle owl population in the Apennine Mountain. Aktion zur Wiedereinburgerung des Uhus (AZWU, Germany) and National Park of Abruzzi, Italy. Leading researcher: V. Penteriani
  • 1989 - Preliminary information on the distribution of the brown bear Ursus arctos marsicanus in the Natural Park of Sirente-Velino mountain. Natural Park of Sirente-Velino, Italy. Leading researcher: G. Boscagl
  • 1983–1984 - Census of the otter Lutra lutra in southern Italy and field stage on the identification of otter tracks and signs (Macedonia, Greece). World Wildlife Fund, Italia. Leading researcher: A. Canu